Sunday, January 23, 2011

Tips from the Penny Pincher

As I have mentioned before I inherited my thriftiness from my Dad. I remember walking for what seems like miles so that we could get a free parking space. My Mom always says that my sister and I were born on Sunday so that he didn't have to pay for parking. I am going to feature some of his suggestions for cheap/free things to do around town.

The "Geezers" are a group of guys who have coffee, go on a walk and try to solve the world's problems. They have found some fun places to go walking. I was driving to the Rose Garden this summer and a group of people were walking on the side of the road. My first thought was, "What are these crazy old men doing walking in such a dangerous spot?" Then I realized that I knew all those crazy old men! (You guys aren't really that old, but when you give yourself a name like the Geezers......)

Recently my Dad suggested that I post about taking a walk near OHSU.

Jackie, Here is one more idea for "Ther Penny Pincher's Daughter" The tram is free down hill. You can have a nice walk up to the tram, ride it down to the river and then walk back to the car. The Ross Island grocery is a great place for coffee also if you start and finish there.

I hope that this becomes a regular feature, because my Dad is pretty awesome.

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