Sunday, January 23, 2011

Tips from the Penny Pincher

As I have mentioned before I inherited my thriftiness from my Dad. I remember walking for what seems like miles so that we could get a free parking space. My Mom always says that my sister and I were born on Sunday so that he didn't have to pay for parking. I am going to feature some of his suggestions for cheap/free things to do around town.

The "Geezers" are a group of guys who have coffee, go on a walk and try to solve the world's problems. They have found some fun places to go walking. I was driving to the Rose Garden this summer and a group of people were walking on the side of the road. My first thought was, "What are these crazy old men doing walking in such a dangerous spot?" Then I realized that I knew all those crazy old men! (You guys aren't really that old, but when you give yourself a name like the Geezers......)

Recently my Dad suggested that I post about taking a walk near OHSU.

Jackie, Here is one more idea for "Ther Penny Pincher's Daughter" The tram is free down hill. You can have a nice walk up to the tram, ride it down to the river and then walk back to the car. The Ross Island grocery is a great place for coffee also if you start and finish there.

I hope that this becomes a regular feature, because my Dad is pretty awesome.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Walk With Bruno

Timberline Lodge is so magical. I love to walk into the lobby and admire the giant fireplace and all the incredible handiwork of the laborers. This weekend you can take a walk with Bruno the St. Bernard on a nature excursion. Friday-Sunday at 10am you can go on a beautiful walk for free. Dress for the weather and bring snowshoes if you have them.

While you are there watch the video that chronicles the building of the lodge. We are so lucky to have this beautiful National Park in our back yard. That reminds me, I need to get it stamped for my National Parks passport!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Eight Free Days at Lan Su

I have always wanted to visit the Chinese Gardens, but even with coupons it was too expensive for a family of four. Well, this week you can take advantage of a great opportunity. January 2-January 9 there will be no cost for admission.

Check out the link for more information.

I learned something that I thought was interesting and wanted to share it with my frugal readers. The word "spendy" is unique to the Northwest.